Welcome to Clear Ear Wax Removal
Your Expert Ear Wax Removal Solution

Professional Ear Wax Removal
At Clear Ear, I understand that ear wax removal is important for healthy ears and optimal hearing. We are a dedicated ear wax cleaning business committed to providing exceptional care and professional services to help you maintain clear and comfortable ears.
I know that excess ear wax can cause discomfort, and diminished hearing, and even lead to more serious complications if left unaddressed. I am here to help you achieve clean and healthy ears, ensuring your well-being and restoring your ability to hear clearly.

Microsuction of Ear Wax
Microsuction is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to remove ear wax or cerumen from the ear canal. It is a safe and effective method that involves using a specialised suction device to gently suction out the ear wax buildup.
During the procedure, I will insert a small suction tube, known as a micro suction cannula, into the ear canal.
Microsuction offers several advantages over traditional ear wax removal methods, such as ear irrigation or syringing.
Irrigation of Ear Wax
Ear irrigation, also known as ear syringing or ear flushing, is a procedure performed to clean the ear canal. It involves the gentle flushing of the ear with a liquid solution to remove excess earwax buildup, debris, or foreign objects that may be causing discomfort or affecting hearing.
The process of ear irrigation typically involves the following steps:
- Preparation: I will examine the ear using an otoscope, a specialised instrument with a light and magnifying lens. This helps to assess the condition of the ear and determine the appropriate course of action. If irrigation is deemed necessary, the equipment and solution will be prepared.
What is Manual Removal of Ear Wax
Manual removal of ear wax, also known as cerumen, involves the physical extraction of the wax using various tools and techniques. It is typically performed by a healthcare professional, Here’s an overview of the manual removal process:
- Examination: I will examine your ears using an otoscope or a magnifying instrument to assess the extent of the ear wax buildup and determine the appropriate course of action.
- Softening the wax: If the ear wax is hardened or impacted, I may recommend using ear drops to soften the wax. we recommend drops containing olive oil and recommend ‘Earol’
£40 £60 for 2Irrigation
£40 £60 for 2Manual Removal
£40£60 for 2
Home visits
Andrea can visit individuals at their homes. There is an additional call-out fee for this service which is a one-off charge of £10 (no matter how many patients are treated on the day).